Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

3:57 PM

The Body

Sunday was such a special day for me. As you know, I have been struggling with depression for several weeks now. The worse the depression gets, the less I want to be around anyone or do anything (except eat that is). I didn't want to go to church on Sunday. We have missed a lot of church since Christmas, and I almost didn't go yesterday either. But I really didn't have a good reason...other than not wanting to go.

So, despite being pretty late, I did go. I sat quietly through Sunday school. I listened, but my usual willingness to participate was muted. At some points, my emotions were so overwhelming I thought I would break down crying right there in class. When asked what was wrong, tears would well back up to my eyelids before I looked and blinked them back. It was stifling to be in a room full of people...but I also felt so alone.

Going to the worship hall was almost worse. A place where I normally enter with arms open wide, ready to embrace the Lord's presence, I was walled off and tightly chained. I couldn't sing; I couldn't pray. I couldn't keep the tears back anymore either.

Then it happened...

A friend reached over and asked if we could go out into the foyer and talk. We did. As I sat with her, unsure of where to start...pieces of my heart began to spill out. I had walked into church with a ton of lead weight pressing down on me. I felt spiritually dry...a desert waste land. Then another friend came over to me as I returned to my seat just to give me a hug and pray with me. After the encouragement, the prayers, and just being able to share what was on my heart, I felt my burdened had been unloaded. I felt renewed, refreshed and restored. I felt that the Lord himself had met me that morning to wrap His arms around me and tell me how much He loves and cares for me and is concerned for my troubled heart!

It was an amazing reminder of how crucial it is for us to operate as the Body of Christ ought to operate. We need to be there to share each other's burdens, encourage and exhort one another, and sharpen each other spiritually. We are all moving parts of one whole that is functioning for the eternal purposes of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I was so grateful for that reminder - so grateful for His touch yesterday!

Thank you Jesus for your love and care! You amaze me with the way you reach into our lives and hearts with messages we often seem to want to run from, but so desperately need! Thank you for reaching down into my pit and giving me hope and a taste of your goodness! I love you!