Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

2:25 PM

Moments Like These

The world around me can seem so dark sometimes. Having just come out of my own depression recently…one that honestly rocked me a bit with its unusually lengthy stay, I have awakened to a world in such torment. Broken relationships, crisis marriages, lost and hurting people, broken families, and people pulled under by the circumstances around them. It has made me stop and think about how wonderful and blessed my life is and humbled me for having taken God’s mercy for granted. My marriage, imperfect like any other marriage, is stable and growing. I have a husband who loves me and demonstrates his love to me and our son. I have a son who, yes, can be difficult sometimes, but is loving, kind and obedient. We’ve lost a big chunk of our income recently but haven’t been for want of anything and have been blessed to give generously to others in desperate need. How in the world could I have been so blind to the incredible wealth of reasons to be happy and excited about life?

I suppose that is a rhetorical question that I already know the answer to: because none of those things are the real reason I’m happy or joyful or excited. When I get down to it, my life could look just as ugly and messy as some of the lives I see around me, but my joy always comes surging in when I look through the eternal lens at this life. Sickness, poverty, loss…how can it measure against eternity in paradise? How can temporary hardship have anything over forever in the presence of the King who loves me?

His provision, His listening ear, His embrace, His reminder that His work in me is not finished, His consistent shepherding of my waywardness, His gentleness and kindness…I am hard-pressed to think, much less voice, complaint when I dwell on the Truth. Oh how I wish I lived in these types of moments always.

Reality is that I fall and my thinking gets muddled and I get worldly. I wish I did stay in the energy of Spirit-filled peace at all times, but my flesh still manages to get in the way more frequently than I care to admit. But I’m thankful for moments like these…moments when the Lord makes me acutely aware of blessing….moments when gratitude swells my heart and compassion overflows to the lives around me who are living in those worldly moments.

Lord, thank you! Thank you for being so good to me. Thank you for not allowing me to be ungrateful in the moments of abundance…for reminding me that YOU are the abundance and not the easy life that is ours for the time being. Hardship for us may be right around the corner…another test or trial to refine our character…but whatever comes…help me be like Jesus….Help me to say and wholeheartedly believe – not my will, Father, but yours be done! Because I love you. Because more than that…YOU love me! Praise you, Lord Jesus! You are truly awesome and Mighty to Save!