Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

1:19 PM

Bad Day

I haven't quite figured out how to recover from the start of a "bad day" - just seems to get worse as time goes on. Yesterday, with regard to this exercise/eat right regimine, I had a "bad day". My emotions seemed to get "off" first thing, then an ice storm hits the metroplex, and I can't get to the gym. My son is bored. I'm bored. My emotions are what did I do? Situps? Push-ups? Heavens no...I made spaghetti and ate a lot of it. I followed that up with my version of strawberry shortcake. Then later watched TV with two bowls of cereal! What the heck is wrong with me!?

I've noticed that I still have a knack for "yo-yoing" and still haven't fully nixed my issue with committment and follow-through. ugh!!! So annoyed with myself. You wouldn't think it would be that hard to do what I know needs to be done. Instead, I ignore the warning signals going off in my head and drown it out with the noise of the TV and eat to my heart's sickness!


I can only hope today is better.

There is an element here I just haven't put my thumb on element that has to do with me turning to food instead of to the Lord. Instead of being bored, I could have spent time with the Lord. Instead of watching TV, I could have been reading my bible, praying or singing worship songs. All things I once found SOOO super easy to enjoy and turn to...

This PIT sucks! I hate being here and hate that I managed to land myself here - AGAIN!

But alas, whining and complaining about it won't do me (or you) any good, now will it? So I guess it's time to rise up, dust off my knees and start over again. Thank the good Lord that His mercies are new EVERY morning!!! So help me...there will come the day when I have been rescued from this pit!