Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

11:43 AM

Silent Suicide

Like every other January as long as I can remember, I am on a “mission” to lose weight. This year is only different because my weight has never been higher than it is now. I carry an extra 106 lbs, have a BMI of just over 38 and am the closest I have ever been to “morbidly obese”. Obesity is a silent suicide I think. I read an article today that lists my risks as follows: twice as likely to die prematurely, cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance syndrome, heart attack, congestive heart failure, sudden cardiac death, angina, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries), arterial blood clots, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancers including endometrial, colon, gall bladder, kidney, and double the risk of post-menopausal breast cancer, liver disease, chronic venous insufficiency, gallstones, obstructive sleep apnea, and arthritis including osteoarthritis. If that were not enough, when Shea and I want to have children, I have a higher risk of death for both me and the baby. My risk of high blood pressure increases 10 fold and there is increased risk of birth defects like spina-bifida. I also have a greater chance of post-birth complications like endometrial infection, endometritis and urinary track infections. (

All of this originates because I chose to overeat and not exercise. Failing to take care of myself has put my life in peril. Hence the reason I call obesity a “silent suicide”. I slowly slip away into health complications because my body has too high a fat content. I only live until my body functions are choked out by the added weight. Will it be my heart? Will it be hardened or narrow arteries? Will it be insulin problems, liver disease, or some form of cancer? What will be the final blow? I’m not sure.

What I am sure of is that millions of Americans unknowingly share my risky status. What I am sure is that many of them are “blissfully” ignorant that their lives are coming to a more rapid end than they could otherwise come to with a more sensible and healthy lifestyle. Oh they know they “need to lose weight”, but do they really understand why? Do they understand the reality of their risk? So that begs the question “What are we going to do about it?” How am I going to handle this “mission” differently than any other year so that, unlike every other year, at the end of this one, there is less of me instead of more?

I wish I had a magical answer. I wish I had an easy answer. But the truth is, it was easy to get here…all I had to be was overindulgent and lazy. It will be a much harder road back. A road that requires hard work and sacrifice, but above all, it will require disciplined endurance. If I give up at any point, I am giving a bold invitation for these life-threatening risks to grow and take over. How long will I play Russian roulette with my life? If I am the Christian woman I proclaim, then I know my life is not my own to gamble.

So as clumsy as ever, I took the first steps toward a healthier lifestyle. I am writing down everything I eat and drink and trying my best to keep track of calories and fat grams. I have a limit of 1200 calories per day. I am drinking more water and staying away from things that would blow my calorie count for the day. I went to the gym this morning and worked out for a little over an hour. I have set a goal of ultimately reaching 130 pounds with a goal of at least 2 pounds per week. That would mean that I would be close or reach my goal by year’s end. Then I enlisted the help and encouragement of people close to me – my husband and a close friend. They help me wake up and get moving and are asking me about what I eat. Perhaps…just maybe…I could start 2010 without a weight loss goal for once! One day at a time – we shall see.

What about you? Are you the average American? Overweight? Obese? Even a few extra pounds can be unhealthy. Is this going to be your year? Your month? Your week? What does your health mean to you and your family and friends? Prayerfully it means more to you than mine has to me for the past several years! God bless and keep you!


Melissa said...

Come on over for some healthy eating advice! John and I are also tackling our extra pounds we've acquired. I've actually been able to make some very healthy meals of late - cheap too! I'm praying that this is your year to tackle this huge challenge.
My mentor lost over 80 or so pounds in the last two years, she radically changed the way she ate and it transformed her relationship with God. She and others were part of a group called First Place - check out their website. There are many churches up by you, one is Irving Bible. I've seen and heard great results - not just physically but spiritually as well.

Shannon said...

Thank you Melissa! I will surely come over for those meal ideas - seems I have trouble making "healthy" "cheap" at the same time. I also had a physical and am seeing a dietician at my doctor's office.