Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

11:36 AM

Jesus Loves Me

Today I listened to a program on my local radio station that hosted a woman who so accurately mirrored my weight struggle. She was obese and had struggled with her weight all her life.
When she shared her testimony, I was so encouraged. She shared a point at which the Lord whispered to her that “[she] could be better”. No condemnation, no “down on her” because of her poor choices in the past…just encouragement that she could do something to really live. She talked about moving from compulsive overeating and idolatry to an intimacy with the Lord that invoked my envy. How I desperately need that move: from idolatry to intimacy. How I want to stop thinking, planning and making every day about food (whether it is what I eat or what I can’t eat).

I am so thankful that the Lord has begun to move in me. Today, through this program, He reminded me that no matter how much or little I weigh, His love does not change. I know that in my head…but there is part of me that I think still fails to fully embrace that truth. My performance or lack there of does not determine whether God loves me or approves of me. I really need to get that through the hardness of my heart. I know that this truth here is the key to freeing up a part of my spirit that is shackled and keeping me from being changed. God says the Truth is what sets us free…the truth changes us.

Anyway…I just thought I would share my random thoughts for the day! God loves me! Unconditionally – no matter what! God approves of me because of Jesus Christ, not because of my food choices or exercise program. I am His precious child no matter how much I weigh or what the world thinks I look like! Lord help me to keep that perspective and root out the lies that are keeping me from you! I love you so much Jesus!! Thank you for your life and your gift! You are so awesome to me!!!