Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

12:43 PM

Step in the right direction

So as you've read in my other blogs, I am on a mission to finally lose the weight I have tried (and miserable failed) to lose in the past. I started this year at a whopping 236 pounds of undisciplined flesh. I was getting winded going up a few stairs and my clothes had long stopped fitting, forcing me to buy a few things just to keep myself clothed at work and what not. My heart broke whenever my playtime with my son would be cut short by lack of energy and let's not even talk about how miserable my dogs are from short walks and little playtime. Then of course, my weight was also affecting my relationship with my husband. Being tired all the time, self conscious, and entering into the depression phase, I was not exactly a joyful wife. Everyone in my family was suffering from my weight.

Watching the Biggest Loser on TV, I saw the doctor's break the horrid news each overweight person had dreaded hearing. Overweight people know they need to lose some weight, but like I've mentioned before, I think very few people understand the full effects of even a few extra pounds, much less over 100 of them, have on their health. So I began to research exactly what my weight was doing to my health. You've read the long's horrid...and horrifying. I had to stop making excuses and start making better choices.

As a Christian, living in America, I think obesity is greatly overlooked in the sin category. But what it reveals (beyond the realm of medical complications not within the control of the person) is a rebellious heart. I have a rebellious heart. I have wanted what I wanted, when I wanted it regardless of the consequences. I was thinking about my desires and nothing else. I certainly wasn't thinking about my family and I pushed God far out of my picture. Rebellion, no matter what form it takes, is a lonely place to be. But this prodigal is coming home!!

The past two weeks have been great! I have exceeded my goal each week. Week one I lost five pounds. This past week, I lose another four. I have been in the gym 3 or more times each week and making sure that I move around instead of being sedentary. I have said "No" to foods I have long enjoyed for the simple fact that they are just too high in calories to consume for the time being. What has helped me in that respect is knowing that I'm not giving up something good. I'm simply saying yes to something better!!

My body is the temple of the Holy One. I still have much in need of restoration in the relationship arena, but with each choice, I know I am moving forward on the road to discipline. When I say no to TV and yes to quiet time. When I say no to junk food and yes to healthier food. When I say no to idleness and yes to my family. All these choices keep me walking in the direction I know leads to goodness. Life isn't about me, but somehow I still need to take care of me. I need to take care of this body and making good and wise choices leads to me being able to better care for my family and serve my Lord!

I love taking a step in the right direction!