Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

7:07 AM

Husband Encouragement Challenge - Day 5

"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for
necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." Eph. 4:29

Another verse I have been so convicted by during this challenge. It is said that we since we have two ears and only one mouth, we should be listening twice the time we are talking. Have you ever tried to practice that? Perhaps for those of you who are naturally reserved in speech or shy and quiet that isn't such a difficult feat, but for those of you like me, who have been since printed on numerous papers by the English teachers..."verbose", listening instead of talking is a challenge indeed!

So as Day 5 came and went, and through this challenge, I have sought to become a better listener. I still stumble and I still tend to be rather talkative, but bad habits are not always easily broken and good habits take time to solidify! So if this is you, I encourage you to keep trying. You may not be all that interested in what your husband says or perhaps you'd like to interject so many useful and "wise" things to enhance the conversation...but alas, let us learn to use our ears more than our mouths and listen to not only our husbands, but many others around us!

God bless and take care!


Megan said...

Hey Shannon, what happened to Day 4??