Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

9:48 PM

Now is the time...

I admit to feeling pretty disappointed, but not surprised at the outcome of the Presidential election. I am deeply saddened that so many voters were so overtly concerned with the "economy" and their "money" that they failed to vote for morality. Although that is not the case everywhere with other issues...marriage protection is holding strong in some areas and I am looking forward to seeing some of those things turn out for the good of the people. But when it came to electing a man that would in some way uphold morality, America as a whole has failed.

America has elected for their President a man who promised change. But America, I ask you truly understand the change you have asked for? Do you understand the ramifications of the repeal of DOMA? Do you understand what abortion has done to this country and what this new administration's advancements of that agenda will continue to do to this nation? Do those of you who voted for Obama solely on the basis of the color of his skin, understand that you have completely undermined what Martin Luther King and so many civil rights activists fought for....judgement of a man NOT by the color of his skin but instead of the content of his character? (That totally casts shadows the victory of his election as the first African American president!) Do those of you who held up the economy as your number one issue have any idea how that reinforces a love for money and a lack of trust in God? Do any of you even care?

May God have mercy on us, America. We will get what we've asked for, but I pray it would be only taste enough to allow us to experience the bitterness of our sin. I pray that we, the people of this nation, will humble ourselves, repent and turn from the wicked ways of idolatry and love of money and material wealth...of murder, adultery, and vanity....that a revival will return the heart of this nation back to the God of the bible!! For once upon a time, not too long ago, we were declared a Christian nation - even by the supreme court justices, and I pray we would return to such a heartthrob once more and dispense with the vileness we now celebrate.

May God have mercy on me for being the kind of Christian that was apathetic in prayer until now. Christians, this is no time to hang our heads in defeat. The battle continues and so must our fight. The fight to see the Lord's name lifted on high, to see His people stand up for righteousness sake! Now is NOT the time to stop your prayers or count the losses. Now is the time for action! Now is the time to STAY on our knees!! Now is the time to lift Obama and his cabinet up to the Lord in prayer. Now is the time for personal revival and living out the Great commission! Now is the time for authenticity to be more than a catch phrase! Rise up brothers and sisters! Raise your voices in Praise for the Sovereign Lord STILL REIGNS!!

We are of no consequence in the light of an omnipotent and perfect God, but beloved, I earnestly ask you to remember that despite that truth, God has made himself available to us...He has reached down into our depravity with Hope, Light, Life and given us all that we need for eternity! He has paid the ultimate sacrifice to love the unlovely. After all He has given, how will You respond? Will you continue in apathy? Will you continue in personal rebellion? Will you continue to be self-seeking? Or will you repent and revel in the eternal joy of grace?

Now is the time...


Megan said...

Do you really think that black voters only vored for Obama due to race?
And what about all the white racists who did NOT vote for Obama specifically because of his race?

This is my perspective, as the mother of biracial children:

Tim, JoElle and I proudly watched tonight as Barack Obama was elected as our next US President- the first Black President- I am proud of our country for looking past race at the man Obama is. I am also excited that my kids, also mixed like Obama, will grow up with their dreams and aspirations that much closer within their reach, not as limited by their race due to this momentous victory!

Shannon said...

I do not think that all black voters voted by ethnic race alone, (I specifically addressed those that did) and yes, there were many that did vote for him on race alone. They called into radio stations that I listened to, they left comments on CNN articles I read, and they personally said as much to me. I think racism regardless of the color of the initiator is ignorant and repulsive. Racism is just as real in voting FOR a person based on color as it is NOT voting for a person on the basis of color, and I'm sure it happened both ways.

Do I applaud the significance of the first African American elected to the presidency of the United States? ABSOLUTELY!! Do I think that it is exciting that Obama personally was elected? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! But that has nothing to do with his ethnicity and everything to do with what he stands for (more specifically what he stands against).

I can understand your position and how the election gives your family and your children inspiration that this country has moved on from much of the biggotry we once upheld, and for that I rejoice with you! It is an amazing feat for the American people that DID look beyond race in this election.

Simply put, I found it repulsive that so many voted for Obama on the basis of their own words, not my assumption...their own words. And that makes me just as sad as any form of racism. And in my opinion, it casts a dark shadow on the edge of what is a great accomplishment in the area of racial equality.

At the end of the night, I would have loved to vote for a man of color had he been a man of integrity and a man who affirms the sanctity of life and traditional moral values. But that isn't the kind of man Obama is - at least not according to his words and actions. So all I can do in response is thank the Lord for His Sovereignty and pray like mad for Obama, his leadership, and administration.