Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

3:48 PM

A Weekend to Remember

My husband and I just returned from a Weekend to Remember conference! It was an incredible experience, so I just thought I would share some of the wonderful things I learned!

The first session was on why marriages fail. I knew some of the reasons in a general sense, but it was eye opening when the speakers talked specifics about a particular topic. One thing that Shea and I didn't realize affected us so much was family history and painful experiences. He and I had such different families and I also carry scars from being sexually abused as a child. Despite the years of counseling, aspects of our family history and my painful childhood experiences are bringing forth new challenges. Being aware of it and being given tools to work through this has been an incredible blessing to our marriage!

One hugely eye-opening challenge to today's marriage is the world's pattern for relationships. This was something we knew, but really, I think we only saw the tip of the iceberg so to speak. There were some significant things this conference identified that we didn't realize we were following. We thought we knew what to watch for in the world's pattern, but even so, there were ways in which Shea and I were following a worldly pattern instead of applying God's truth.

Communication, conflict, sex, children, family model and roles were just some of the highlights we covered during the conference. I took away some pretty simple, but life-changing tools. One thing I set in my heart to do from now on, was see Shea as if he had "From God" stamped on his forehead. I have viewed Shea as if I chose him, but truly, the Lord chose Shea for me, wrapped him up in this particular packaging and sent him to me. The challenge is now receiving Shea as God's perfect gift to me! I am amazed! (Small, simple...but like I

Another thing I walked away with was the objective of seeing what God has made in both Shea and our children and being used to bring out that devine image. As the Michelangelo lived with a slab of marble for a month, he worked to see the devine image stamped in that marble...then diligently, patiently, and lovingly brought out the image of David. In just that way, I need to see every unsightly vein, every crack, every unusual pattern as part of the devine design imprinted in my family member. The Lord can use me to bring out that breaktaking image He has put there!

Then there was the area of submission. While I was blessed to see that the Lord had already instilled in me His view of biblical submission, I was humbled to see so many areas in which I had not been practicing it. Decisions are something I saw that I made independently still, even to the point of resenting it if I was called out for having made the decision independent of any thought or consideration given to my husband. It is encouraging to know that now I see the error of my ways, I also see how wonderful it will be to do things according to the scriptures. I see how submission will free my husband up to be the leader God has called him to be. I see how submission to my husband is parallel and necessary for submission to God himself. All in all, I am excited about what more whole-hearted submission will do, not only for my marriage, but also for my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ!

If you're married, no matter how good or not-so-good your marriage is...if you're divorced...if you're thinking about getting married....this is an incredible conference that packages God's power in principles that will mean life, hope and blessings for your marriage or ressurrection to that which you thought was completely dead!

I highly recommend everyone to check out Family Life's Weekend to Remember conferences held all over the country!

God bless you all!!