Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

9:43 AM

Husband Encouragement Challenge - Day 6

"...whatever ye do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Cor. 10:31b

If this challenge has been difficult for you...perhaps you are in a crisis marriage...each day is probably excruciating to you and seems to be taking the very strength of the solar system to be obedient to these verses. Even for some of us in a pretty stable or fairly healthy marriage, we can find this challenge difficult on some days. But early on we have been given a directive that I think is imperative to the remaining days: do it for the glory of God!

Let's not miss that this challenge isn't just about our husbands. This challenge is about taking God at His word and being obedient for the sake of the relationship you have with Him! The very role of a wife is such a beautiful picture of a who comes alongside to reflect the love of Christ to her husband and the beauty of the Body of Christ to the world! I could not do it verbal justice if I tried to paint such a picture...but please, if this challenge is difficult for you, keep this verse handy. Keep this truth in front of you at all times...because ultimately, your obedience and submission is to the Lord Himself. And He promises to bless the walk of the righteous and the obedient.

Keep pressing on toward the goal, ladies! The goal is to be transformed by the Lord through the diligent application of His word! And when we are transformed, there is no way that our marriages go untouched by such a transformation...and I would be so encouraged to know that we are all moving into the wonders of His blessings because we have chosen to do marriage God's way!!