Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

7:25 AM

Husband Encouragement Challenge - Day 8

“…but who can find a faithful man?” - Proverbs 20:6b

“Faithfulness is a wonderful but rare quality today, especially in regard to marriage. Do you understand how important this quality is? Your challenge is to continue to root out all negative speaking, and plant seeds of encouragement instead. You may be amazed at what will grow.”

I am overwhelmed at the onslaught men endure in our world. Sexual temptation bites at them at every turn, from the women inappropriately dressed everywhere they go, to the billboards advertising sinful scandalous places of prostitution, to the screaming sexuality from every display in the malls and shops. It is every where!

But when I came to this verse during this challenge, I am so grateful that my own husband has done his best to ready himself and obtain victory in the daily battle against sexual temptation - the temptations to lust after an illegitimate picture of what love and sexual satisfaction really are. I am grateful that he has been faithful to seek his fulfillment in our marriage bed, where the Lord rejoices over holy union. I am grateful for the way we have safeguarded our TV’s and computers in our home from the cruelty of the devil’s media schemes. I am grateful for my husband’s faithfulness!

I am no fool though, to think that this is the standard for every other marriage. Many marriages have been and continue to be ravaged by the weakness of the husbands and wives that cave to sexual temptation. I know there are women indulging their romantic fantasies online, in romance novels and in work relationships. I know there are men enslaved to pornography and men led astray by wanton women promising greener grass outside the fences of their marriages. The apple in the garden is still being held out by the serpent and eaten by so many of us.

If your marriage has been harmed by this prevalent sin, my heart hurts for you. I can only encourage you to lean on the Lord and continue to apply the hope of scripture. There is ALWAYS hope in Jesus Christ! He is the master of miracles, Creator and Sovereign Lord of all!! He can and wants to turn your marriage around. Keep appropriate boundaries for your safety and that of your children, but please do not stone wall your heart against unity or redemption. Pray for your husband and keep your hope, not in him, but in Jesus! Please continue to find encouragement for your husband, even if faithfulness is not his strength. Your faithfulness will shine as an example.

And if your husband is faithful, ladies, realize what a treasure you have and applaud it loudly!