Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

10:12 AM

You who are spiritual?

Galatians 6:1-7

1Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted. 2Bear one an other's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. 3For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4But each one must examine his own work, and then he will have reason for boasting in regard to himself alone, and not in regard to another. 5For each one will bear his own load. 6The one who is taught the word is to share all good things with the one who teaches him. 7Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap."

I have been going over this passage since yesterday. It is so packed that I could hardly detail it all in one blog, but I'd like to share some thoughts I've been having as I've meditated on this.

First what strikes me is the opening: if anyone is caught in sin, you who are spiritual...oh my! Are there any of us who are "spiritual"? Very humbling thought that we are called as Christians to restore our brothers and sisters who backslide. I've been struggling with that lately. I have numerous friends who are struggling with such heavy sin burdens. It finally occurred to me today that the reason I don't have such a burden of my own or some trial to go through is because the Lord has orchestrated this season as a time for helping others. I've wondered why I haven't been worthy of much of a trial lately...that perhaps some sin in my life was hindering me from experiencing the spiritual growth I longed for. A short, but intense spiritual attack through my emotions, seems rather trivial and I long for more. More that pushes me to the brink and makes me depend upon the Lord in new and exciting ways. But now I'm seeing the many women that the Lord has brought into my life to walk alongside and encourage during their time in the valley, and I am realizing a new and (in my opinion) better way to get closer to the Lord.

Second, there is a warning. One the warning tells us the attitude by which we restore our brother/sister. Two, the warning tells us there are pitfalls for us who walk with our brother/sister. Our attitude must be that of compassion. We can't have an attitude of condemnation, pride or hypocrisy. I'm being driven to my knees to ensure that my heart is right before the Lord in the midst of trying to help those around me. Praying the Lord would keep me humble and keep my eyes open to my own sin. That He would break my heart and help me to see and hate sin as he sees and hates it. Praying that the Lord would uphold me and keep my walk steady as I try to steady those around me. It's kind of weird. It's not really my work, but God working through me to "put on skin" for the women that need a tangible touch from him. It makes me love Him so much more to experience it.

Verses two through four talk about our call to bear one anothers burdens and do so with humility. Not thinking more highly of ourselves that we ought to and examining our hearts WITHOUT comparison. That right there - examining WITHOUT comparison - is a huge deal! Just because I'm not steeped in the sins that are going on around me, doesn't mean I'm without sin or somehow better than someone else. We humans have such a twisted "sin scale" to measure how "good" some people are in comparison to the "heinous" crimes of others. But in reality, the Lord lumps in all sin together. It's just as awful to disobey your parents as it is to murder someone. My sin is not any less hurtful to the heart of my Father than the sin I'm helping my sisters in Christ with. When I avoid comparison and simply come naked and vulnerable to the Lord with my heart exposed for what it is, THEN and ONLY then, can I be dealt with appropriately. It is in THOSE moments that the Lord can speak plainly into my life the truth of my human condition. It is THEN that grace is so clear and uplifting. To know that as He removes the sin and cleanses me, I am so much more in touch with the real me! The me that Christ gave on Calvary - white, pure, holy and blameless by redemption!

The last two verses go back to the point: we have an obligation to the Body of Christ to help one another. Not out of spite or condemnation or duty, but out of love for Jesus and His work. As we learn the word, as we grow in knowledge, the application is to self and to others. We first obey and then teach others through our testimony how they can also obey and experience freedom from sin. I can help women who are struggling with unrighteous anger and some addictions. I can help women who are struggling with unbelief of who God is as their Father, Protector and Provider. But honestly, I am limited in what I can offer in helping women overcome food addictions. I am still walking that myself. I am still learning how to walk in freedom. But ultimately I will soar, like an eagle mounted up on His wings! And it is then, that I can begin to take steps to encourage others who are caught up in sin to do something about it. It is when I have the testimony of God's faithfulness in my own life that I can share the hope that speaks louder than words!

If I were to go to a sister in Christ and with as much love as possible tell her that an adulterous affair was sinful and she needed to stop, but then continue on in my own affair, I would be nothing more than a hypocrite! But when I walk daily by grace to be a godly wife and do the best I can to apologize for disrespectful acts or words, do the best I can to be thoughtful and put my husband and home as a top priority in my day, spend time praying for my husband, extending grace to my husband and receiving the grace I need for my fallen humanity ... THEN my testimony to a wife who is struggling is so much more powerful than the truth coming from a sin-ridden heart. I guess my point is...we can always speak the truth and tell people what the bible says ... but when we speak it from pure hearts and lives that live it out in action, we build a testimony that stands like a temple unto our Father. It is those times when the world sees our good deeds and praises our Father in heaven! Otherwise, they only see hypocrisy and remnants of Pharisees.

In summary, we have a choice of what we shall sow into eternity. We can develop the daily disciplines of an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and glorify Him through obedience. We can reach out to others and begin helping them build their own testimonies, or not. The other side would be to stay in our prideful, sinful pits and as a community of believers, we'll all be rendered ineffective. God's name would not be glorified and the rocks would be left to do the job of singing His praises. Personally, I'd rather be the one honoring and glorifying the One who gave me so much. The One who loves me and gave me life and continues to revive me every day!

What about you?