Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

12:37 PM

Taking Action

Dying to self....

Not a popular topic really, but as Christians, we are called to "die to self". As I sat quietly last night, I had a couple of things convict my heart. These are things that really are a matter of sin, but have been grey areas for me. When we are convicted of sin, we need to repent. Repentance is an attitude of the heart where we agree with God about the nature of sin, but it is also an action. If we say we're really sorry, but do nothing about changing our behavior, our true heart condition is definitely questionable.

So therein lies my struggle...I have these issues that need addressing. Not sure how to proceed, but just know that something beyond my confession before the Lord is necessary. What that "something is", I'm not sure. And that is where I have to ask the Lord to help me "die to self". I know my flesh, my "heart" is exactly what the bible says it is...full of malice, deceit, etc. I so identify with Paul's internal struggle of "doing what I ought not do" and "not doing the good I ought to". So as I pray through this, I'm begging the Lord to kill the flesh and raise up the power of His spirit in me. Grant me wisdom to know exactly what I need to do. Help me navigate through the temptation to continue doing nothing at all...

Because if I did nothing at heart will harden against the sin and an insensitivity to God's voice will begin and only get worse. Oh how I would hate that...The tenderness I've been experiencing is so very precious to me. I would ask that it only get more tender and deeper in the level of intimacy...not to start another season of hardness of heart!