Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

8:37 AM

Stealing My Joy

I have managed to put down my armor somehow, folks! And in the meantime, the enemy has come and stolen my joy. My attitude has been sour the last couple of days. It's all I can do to keep my tongue from lashing out with sarcasm, bitterness, and hateful words at the people around me...especially those closest to me! I absolutely hate it!

I haven't quite figured out how to get out of this little rut I'm in. I know that our thoughts control our feelings and behaviors, but where to start in that process is a bit overwhelming.

Do you ever feel that way? Like you know what the problem is, but you're not sure that you can and want to go through the hard work of fixing whatever it is? That is kind of how I feel right now. I think I know where the problem is and what I might do to fix it, but I seem apathetic and tired, and therefore, I don't really know that I want to invest in the solution. But then again, there goes that thought process....

I know I must seem like I'm rambling, and for that I'm sorry. I just feel so frustrated with the state I'm in right now.

Anyway, I just wanted to vent a bit. For those of you that read it, there is a part 2 on the prayer blog coming up. I've had a few issues writing it out. I've been studying the numerous passages on prayer and I want to share so much I've been learning with you...but there is something in the way. As soon as I solve the attitude/heart issue I've been having, I have a feeling that the words for the blog will be forthcoming!

So I hope each of you is having a wonderful and blessed week! The Lord has certainly shown me mercy this week!

Write again soon!!
