Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

5:48 PM

Against the Darkness

I thought I would share this little scribble with you. I think all of us struggle sometimes in our relationships with unbelievers. Sometimes it is really easy to relate and be friends. Other times, the relationship is trying and difficult. I wrote this about a particular person in my life that the Lord has put here to minister to and to learn from. I know my character is being shaped by the relationship. This writing is my heart's cry against what feels like a dark, unmovable wall. I thought I would share it in hopes that you would be comforted in knowing others have the same struggle you do. Otherwise, I guess this is just me putting my feelings down on paper!

His presence in our lives, unmovable.
His broken promises, hurtful.
His lack of faith, contradictory.
His life of chaos, destructive.
His dishonest speech, predictable.
His inner mind, unknowable.
His heart - seemingly unreachable.
My heart hurts.
My mind twists in knots.
My frustration exceeds known limits.
My compassion dwindles.
My patience thins.
My love waivers.
My wisdom fails.
Give me your view of him.
Give me your love for him.
Give me patience and faith for two.
Give me perseverance.
Give him your grace.
Give him open eyes.
Give him a new way.
Please bridge the gap between heaven and hell
and help me to fight against the darkness
you have allowed in our lives.
May You have glory in Your victory!!