Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

7:06 PM

Experiencing God

Today was an incredible day!! After an awesome time of learning in God's word and worshipping Him with other believers, I experienced God today in a way that thrilled my heart!!
I love helping people! My favorite way is through spiritual encouragement! But I really love to help people in whatever way there is to help them. I often am uncertain if I am hearing the Lord correctly on what I should or should not do, but in the end, I usually give it my best and hope that I did exactly what the Lord wanted me to do, the way He wanted me to do it. God has, over the years, brought so many different people from so many different places and circumstances. It has amazed me.
Today an opportunity came to help a person. I had something I thought I needed to do first, and did that. And in the midst of doing so, it seemed like I had lost my opportunity. I was pretty upset at first and began praying. I prayed that the opportunity had not been lost. I asked the Lord to forgive me for not responding more urgently to this need. I asked Him to please not let this opportunity escape, but that if it had because of my timing, then I asked Him to send another along in my place to meet the need I saw. No sooner had I finished the prayer, the Lord showed me that this opportunity had not passed and I was able to help!
I went through a small group study a while back on Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby. It was an incredible study and really changed the way I view my purpose in life. And what happened today was one of those moments I treasure. I saw a need...I saw the Lord at work and I asked to join Him! I wanted to be a part of His work and He let me in!! He welcomed me into His work and blessed me beyond measure!!
I tell you that there is no greater joy for me than to be used by the Lord for His work!! I love it, I love it, I love it!!!! :)
So I hope today or at least this week, you will also be blessed to see the Lord at work and join with Him. I pray that your heart will be bent in His direction and your will submitted to Him! I pray that your cup will overflow with His love for you and for those around you! Be blessed and bless others!