Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

3:55 AM

My Next 30 Years

So if you didn't is my birthday! I have now had 30 years of life, which is awesome! And it is good to take time each year, but especially at significant "mile markers" to take stock of your life and your purpose! So I thought I would jot down some random things I've been thinking about as I knew my birthday was approaching.

First, the last three decades of my life, I have to say are riddled with good and bad things. I guess that is true of any person's life, but I can look back and see so much time that seemed wasted on the world rather than invested for the Lord. I know that all my days were planned and ordained by God before even the foundation of the earth was formed. I think this thought of backward looking need be entertained only long enough to motivate the forward looking. What I mean by that is that if I see "wasted" time in my history, let's not repeat it and the country song next 30 years...count for something more eternally signficant!

Second, present time would cause some anguish over the age factor. I like 30! Perhaps I should feel old, but instead, I feel more like I'm coming into an age that fits me better than my 20's ever did. I think three decades have been an investment the Lord has made in growing wisdom and maturity that I couldn't have had otherwise. Like those things that are better aged (wine, cheese, trees, etc) I think life grows more beautiful with the passing years. I love the experiences of each season. The season of learning who my real Father sweet it is to know Him! The season of learning to trust Him through obedience (not sure this season has an end though! ) The seasons of singleness, motherhood and now marriage. The seasons of friendships and spritual growth. The wonders of living!! Life is amazing. And if there is another day on the calendar for me after 30 years...I have another 24 hours of wonder to behold! Prayerfully I will make each moment count!

So lastly...what will life hold beyond my 30th birthday? I am sure I do not know! However, with each day, I know it will be a sweeter time with Jesus. With each day, I know it will be more investment in my husband and my son and any other children the Lord may grant us! I know it will mean continued intentionality in sharing my faith and loving the people God brings into my life. I also know it will need to mean dying to my pride, my selfishness, my desires, and will!!

This season of my life has been taking shape by the most powerful verse that resides in my heart right now: Philippians 1:20-21, I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exhalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. How I want that to be the message of my life!! But it means sacrifice. It means not being so spoiled and self-centered! It means getting out of the comfort zone life and just being American has meant for me.

I am not sure where you are, but I'm at a great point in my life. A point that I have determined to LIVE! and LIVE as Christ. 30 years behind me...perhaps another day ahead...maybe 30 more years. Whatever life brings, I love it and will live it! What about you?