Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

1:54 PM

The Simple Life by A Demon Possessed Man

Mark 5:1-20
“They came to the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gerasenes. When He got out of the boat, immediately a man from the tombs with an unclean spirit met Him, and he had his dwelling among the tombs. And no one was able to bind him anymore, even with a chain; because he had often been bound with shackles and chains, and the chains had been torn apart by him and the shackles broken in pieces, and no one was strong enough to subdue him. Constantly, night and day, he was screaming among the tombs and in the mountains, and gashing himself with stones.
Seeing Jesus from a distance, he ran up and bowed down before Him; and shouting with a loud voice, he said, "What business do we have with each other, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I implore You by God, do not torment me!" For He had been saying to him, "Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!" And He was asking him, "What is your name?" And he said to Him, "My name is Legion; for we are many." And he began to implore Him earnestly not to send them out of the country. Now there was a large herd of swine feeding nearby on the mountain. The demons implored Him, saying, "Send us into the swine so that we may enter them."
Jesus gave them permission. And coming out, the unclean spirits entered the swine; and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea, about two thousand of them; and they were drowned in the sea. Their herdsmen ran away and reported it in the city and in the country. And the people came to see what it was that had happened. They came to Jesus and observed the man who had been demon-possessed sitting down, clothed and in his right mind, the very man who had had the "legion"; and they became frightened. Those who had seen it described to them how it had happened to the demon-possessed man, and all about the swine. And they began to implore Him to leave their region.
As He was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed was imploring Him that he might accompany Him. And He did not let him, but He said to him, "Go home to your people and report to them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He had mercy on you." And he went away and began to proclaim in Decapolis what great things Jesus had done for him; and everyone was amazed.”

Did you read all of that? If not, please go back and do so now.

Now, let’s look at what this passage is about. This is one of the most amazing passages. We learn so much in such a short read!!

First, what do we have? We have a man possessed by a legion of demons (v2). He is isolated and alone (v2 and 3). He is hated and people are so terrified by him that they have physically chained him time and again (v4). He is a tormented man in absolute anguish and physical pain (v5).

Next, let’s look at the events.
- Jesus comes on the scene.
- Demons bow.
- Jesus identifies the evil.
- Evil grovels.
- Jesus casts out evil and restores righteousness.

We may not think we have anything in common with a man possessed by a legion of demons, but if you look over that list of events, I think you’ll find, as I did, a common ground. It is the plan of salvation! When Jesus comes on the scene of our lives, we are acutely aware of our lowly status. We become aware of our sin problem. That sin problem is what chains us, what causes us torment and anguish and angst in this world! Humility is the right response to a true acknowledgement of Christ! What is His response to humility? Psalm 149: 4 says, “For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with salvation.” And so he did for this man.

But how does salvation and restoration come to us? First we must allow Jesus to identify the evil. Jesus asked the name of the demon within the man. He identified the whole of the problem. Then evil grovels with Jesus to not be cast out of the country but to be cast into pigs. And though evil believes it has been granted mercy by being cast into pigs, Jesus drowns the whole lot of them. Evil is destroyed!!! So it is when WE receive salvation and restoration. Jesus identifies our sin – the depravity of our souls. We may struggle against the truth and try to justify our sins by moving it “out of the way” as the demons sought to be cast into the pigs. But ultimately, Jesus still has victory!! He will conquer evil. You can either allow him to conquer it and raise you to life, as he did with this man. Or you can be as the demon and cast unto the lake in death, as he did with the demon-possessed pigs!
Just a note here. There is section here, right after Jesus casts the pigs out, details how negatively the witnesses responded. They told the man what they saw happen to him and urged him to leave the region. I just want to say that sometimes when God is at work in our lives, onlookers may or may not understand and sometimes, as is the case here, they may be frightened to the point they don't want you hanging around. Major life change can be scary for anyone and for the onlooker that realizes Jesus' work to be contagious...he or she may run or want you to run in the opposite direction! This conversion, this event was radical. Sometimes being radical for Jesus warrants negative (sometimes VERY negative) attention.

But let's keep going to best part! If you choose life – there is more this passage offers!! The man, now free of his chains both physical and spiritual, longed to go with Jesus. That is an attitude of gratitude and dependency. How many times have you longed to leave the world behind you and be with Jesus? Yet, how does Jesus respond this time? He denies the request and gives the man His purpose for his life. The very same purpose he has given you and me. “Go home to your people and report to them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He had mercy on you.” When he did, the people were “amazed”!!! (Sidenote again - these people were amazed...some people get scared and want you gone, others are amazed! I guess you'll have to leave the response up to the Lord!) But doesn't this piece remind you of the great commission we find in Matthew 28?

What a simple command. Go and tell them. He didn’t say go to seminary, get trained and be a preacher. He didn’t say sit in bible study classes for the next year at your church so you can tell your neighbor about Jesus. He didn’t say develop a creative and culturally relevant plan. He simply said go and tell your people what Jesus has done for you and how He had mercy on you.
Do you do that? Do you keep it simple enough that when you meet someone, you tell them what Jesus has done for you? Do you even realize all that Jesus has done for you? Does it cause you to bow low and, in an attitude of gratitude, surrender everything you have? Are you even excited enough about your own salvation that you WANT to tell others?

If not, then I pray Psalm 51:12 for you ‘Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.’

This was an incredible read for me. I hope you will read and meditate on this passage and take its message to heart for yourself. May we all learn to keep it simple! May the gospel be our lives and our message regardless of where we find ourselves! Peace!

3:55 AM

My Next 30 Years

So if you didn't is my birthday! I have now had 30 years of life, which is awesome! And it is good to take time each year, but especially at significant "mile markers" to take stock of your life and your purpose! So I thought I would jot down some random things I've been thinking about as I knew my birthday was approaching.

First, the last three decades of my life, I have to say are riddled with good and bad things. I guess that is true of any person's life, but I can look back and see so much time that seemed wasted on the world rather than invested for the Lord. I know that all my days were planned and ordained by God before even the foundation of the earth was formed. I think this thought of backward looking need be entertained only long enough to motivate the forward looking. What I mean by that is that if I see "wasted" time in my history, let's not repeat it and the country song next 30 years...count for something more eternally signficant!

Second, present time would cause some anguish over the age factor. I like 30! Perhaps I should feel old, but instead, I feel more like I'm coming into an age that fits me better than my 20's ever did. I think three decades have been an investment the Lord has made in growing wisdom and maturity that I couldn't have had otherwise. Like those things that are better aged (wine, cheese, trees, etc) I think life grows more beautiful with the passing years. I love the experiences of each season. The season of learning who my real Father sweet it is to know Him! The season of learning to trust Him through obedience (not sure this season has an end though! ) The seasons of singleness, motherhood and now marriage. The seasons of friendships and spritual growth. The wonders of living!! Life is amazing. And if there is another day on the calendar for me after 30 years...I have another 24 hours of wonder to behold! Prayerfully I will make each moment count!

So lastly...what will life hold beyond my 30th birthday? I am sure I do not know! However, with each day, I know it will be a sweeter time with Jesus. With each day, I know it will be more investment in my husband and my son and any other children the Lord may grant us! I know it will mean continued intentionality in sharing my faith and loving the people God brings into my life. I also know it will need to mean dying to my pride, my selfishness, my desires, and will!!

This season of my life has been taking shape by the most powerful verse that resides in my heart right now: Philippians 1:20-21, I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exhalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. How I want that to be the message of my life!! But it means sacrifice. It means not being so spoiled and self-centered! It means getting out of the comfort zone life and just being American has meant for me.

I am not sure where you are, but I'm at a great point in my life. A point that I have determined to LIVE! and LIVE as Christ. 30 years behind me...perhaps another day ahead...maybe 30 more years. Whatever life brings, I love it and will live it! What about you?

8:01 PM

Battle of the Wills

Although I have not ever completed reading James Dobson’s book The Strong Willed Child, I am certain I have a strong willed child! I receive almost daily confirmation of this assessment. Today was no different.

It started off as a pretty normal day. Morning routine, school routine and pick up routine all seemed to be in order. However, I needed to make a stop at Wal-Mart for a couple of things. Let me interject into this part of the story that previously (Monday to be exact), I have given my son his allowance. It has gone from an occasional dollar or two here and there to a regular, once a week allowance of five dollars. That is a lot for a 5 year old, I know. But a dollar doesn’t buy much of anything and at least with $5, he can get something each week or save for something he really wants in a short period of time. The idea is simply to get him to start learning about money. So back on track we go at the point of entering Wal-Mart.

Now Jonathan already knows exactly what he wants to spend his money on. He wants a light saber…the star wars kind. He already has three that he can play with from Christmas last year, but he wants a new one. So after the few things I needed to get, we head to the toy section. Jonathan hones in on the light sabers as if they had a homing beacon and announces that he has found his toy. One problem…

The toy costs more than $5.

As a parent, I am thinking this is a perfect teaching opportunity. I am going to help Jonathan understand what it means to save and work toward a goal. As a child, Jonathan sees only one thing…a light saber and he wants it now.

What I thought would be a “teachable moment” turned into (and please understand I am not in the slightest exaggerating) an hour long fit on the floors of Wal-Mart. First, my son threw himself on the floor in front of the display of star wars items. I thought it would be short-lived and so I began to walk away. At which point, my son did follow me. Only to plop himself down again two isles over. After I left him on the floor throwing the beginning of this fit, he decided to go back to the star wars isle. Then, I picked his very heavy 75+ lbs up and put him in the cart.

I proceeded to the check out, weaving my cart through crowds of onlookers enjoying the spectacle taking place in my shopping cart. The noise level was ridiculous. My red-faced, visibly distraught son, was bouncing up and down in the cart, screaming at the top of his lungs that he wanted out and he wanted his light saber. At the check out stand, I had had enough. He was about to fall out of the cart and hurt himself, so I did what I thought any sensible mom would do. I left my items in the cart at the check out stand, picked up my son and headed for the car, intending to go home and straighten this mess out in a forum less public.

I made it to the front of the store.

I did mention this kid weighs over 75 pounds right?

So I about lost my grip on him near the front door and put him down. He was still hollering, but what happened next was worse! He ran for it!

Through the masses, my short, stout little boy made a mad dash for the clothing section. His bright yellow shirt immediately blending in with the vast array of spring clothing just as brightly colored!

Good grief!! Now where did he go?

Thankfully, I found him perched under a clothing rack. I pulled him out and the next 30 minutes were a physical struggle of restraint. I couldn’t let the kid run around freely in Wal-Mart, but I sure did draw more of those spectators as I sat on the floor in the middle of the women’s clothing section with a little boy locked under my legs and arms as he continued to scream like no other and fight as if his life depended on it. I drew a myriad of looks from concerned, to condemning, to the few but so gracious moms that drew near to say “hang in there” and “you can do it, mom” “don’t give up”. Those who attempted to get through Jonathan's screaming were laughable though! They thought a complete stranger just might have an effect on him. I wish that were the case!!!

Just when I thought my arms and legs could no longer take the abuse of the struggling little monster that has replaced my son, he began to calm down. I sat still and held his profusely sweaty and hot little body as he continued to catch his own breath. I did my best to wipe the beads of sweat that drenched his face and shirt. I spoke gently and lovingly to help him regain his composure. Just when I thought we were on our way to ending the tirade, Jonathan got up and made a dash further into the store to the men’s clothing isles.


When I found him, I warned him that this had gone on too long and that we were leaving the store. If he chose to continue running and disobeying, I was going to have to spank him. At this point, I had spent 30 plus minutes avoiding the spanking thing…but I had nothing left in my parental arsenal of consequences for this wild and knowingly disobedient behavior. Now, I was desperate enough to either call my husband away from work or call the police. (yes, I’m quite serious). However, three or four rounds with the spanking and finally my son, albeit crying and still not going all that quietly, was marching toward the door.

My emotional and physical strength completely gone, I put him on the bench near the front of the store and sat down to catch my own breath. What a wrestling match!! He continued whining and crying and still testing me. He said he was thirsty and wanted juice. I told him he could have water. When I (again) did not give in, I think it FINALLY clicked with him that I had won the battle of the wills.

Oh my goodness!

An hour of torture in the middle of Wal-Mart and he finally conceded that I was worthy to be his mother! He walked as nicely as could be to the check register where we found my cart still sitting with my items in it. We got a bottle of water for him to drink and he didn’t even put up much of a fight when I told him no when asked if he could have a toy car found in the register isle. (Darn those advertisers and their impulse buy displays!!)

Walking to the car, I couldn’t believe we had seriously spent the last hour doing what we had done. I wondered if round three would start when we went home and I had Jonathan return the $5 I had given him, which was still sitting in an envelope in his dresser drawer. To my surprise and to his credit, Jonathan remembered exactly what I said at Wal-Mart about his behavior and what would happen to his money and he gave it back without a fuss!


After that, our night was pretty uneventful, but I have to say…I’m tired and am going to bed VERY SOON!!!

Before I wrap it up, let me tell you a couple of things I learned in this situation. One, our children are never too old to test our boundaries as parents, no matter how firm we think they have already been laid. We can either be parents at the cost of our dignity, pride, image and patience, or we can hurt our children by redrawing what used to be safe boundaries they only intended to test and not really move. By not conceding the case with my son, he understood there are still boundaries, there are still consequences for behavior, and there are still things mommy will not tolerate regardless of how much he pleads! Two, I learned that parenting is tough! A lesson I seem to have to learn daily. I would have liked to think the days of these kinds of fits were over at the age of five. I hate that it took such a horrid display in a public setting to get through to my son. However, as his mom, there are no forbidden territories that I will avoid if it means showing him he is loved and that there is safety in the rules he experiences! If that means physically and emotionally exhausting circumstances, then so be it! That is in my job description.

For those of you out there that are parents…I hope this is one of those times when you can feel like I did when those moms came by my horrendous display and said “Hang in there”. I am sure you experience times when your frustration is off the charts and your patience has run out and your body doesn’t want to fight for the role of parent anymore. But I want to tell you, “hang in there”. You CAN do it! Now, if you have an angel that does no wrong, please do us both a favor and avoid leaving such a comment in this blog!

Blessings to everyone!

4:41 AM

A Good Word

I receive these daily devotional type messages via email and this one especially touche my heart, so I thought I would share it with you...Be blessed ~ Shannon

June 9, 2008
Liberating Truth
Listen Now DownloadREAD: Ephesians 1:3-10
He made us accepted in the Beloved. —Ephesians 1:6

An unmarried missionary had been disparaging herself. She was unhappy with her life in general, but she was especially displeased with what she felt was her low level of spiritual growth.

One morning she looked searchingly at herself in the mirror. Then, very slowly, she said, “God, I thank You that I am myself and can never be anybody else.”

That was her moment of liberating self-acceptance. She realized that by God’s design she was an absolutely unique person, a Christ-redeemed human being who could never be replaced or duplicated.

Do you condemn yourself because you aren’t as spiritual as you think you ought to be? Do you see yourself as a second-rate disciple, lacking the gifts and graces possessed by fellow believers who seem to be models of prayer, witness, and service? We can rise above the mood of self-rejection and enjoy grateful self-acceptance when we put our lives into the nail-pierced hands of Jesus. “In Him we have redemption through His blood, [and] the forgiveness of sins” (Eph. 1:7). We are accepted and chosen by Him (vv.4-6).

If the Lord has accepted us, surely we can accept ourselves! That’s the liberating truth. — Vernon C. Grounds

All praise to the Lamb, accepted I am,Through faith in the Savior’s adorable name;In Him I confide, His blood is applied;For me He hath suffered, for me He hath died. —Wesley

Accepting Jesus’ free gift of salvation frees us to accept ourselves.

7:06 PM

Experiencing God

Today was an incredible day!! After an awesome time of learning in God's word and worshipping Him with other believers, I experienced God today in a way that thrilled my heart!!
I love helping people! My favorite way is through spiritual encouragement! But I really love to help people in whatever way there is to help them. I often am uncertain if I am hearing the Lord correctly on what I should or should not do, but in the end, I usually give it my best and hope that I did exactly what the Lord wanted me to do, the way He wanted me to do it. God has, over the years, brought so many different people from so many different places and circumstances. It has amazed me.
Today an opportunity came to help a person. I had something I thought I needed to do first, and did that. And in the midst of doing so, it seemed like I had lost my opportunity. I was pretty upset at first and began praying. I prayed that the opportunity had not been lost. I asked the Lord to forgive me for not responding more urgently to this need. I asked Him to please not let this opportunity escape, but that if it had because of my timing, then I asked Him to send another along in my place to meet the need I saw. No sooner had I finished the prayer, the Lord showed me that this opportunity had not passed and I was able to help!
I went through a small group study a while back on Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby. It was an incredible study and really changed the way I view my purpose in life. And what happened today was one of those moments I treasure. I saw a need...I saw the Lord at work and I asked to join Him! I wanted to be a part of His work and He let me in!! He welcomed me into His work and blessed me beyond measure!!
I tell you that there is no greater joy for me than to be used by the Lord for His work!! I love it, I love it, I love it!!!! :)
So I hope today or at least this week, you will also be blessed to see the Lord at work and join with Him. I pray that your heart will be bent in His direction and your will submitted to Him! I pray that your cup will overflow with His love for you and for those around you! Be blessed and bless others!

8:40 AM

I think I know what He's up to...

I'm excited, scared, anxious, gleeful and a host of other emotions difficult to articulate! But I think I'm starting to see a bit of what has been going on with me lately. See, I've been in this rut (per my previous blog), and it has been difficult to get out of it. As a matter of fact, I'm still not out of it. However, the spiritual warfare surrounding me is beginning to become clearer to me. I have been feeling depressed. Not a usual thing for me, but sometimes, if it isn't some obvious sin in my life causing me to be downcast, depression usually signals something spiritually important is about to happen. Now, there always seems to be sin in my life of one kind or another that I'm realizing or struggling with, but last night I caught a glimpse of something spiritually important! Which is the cause for great excitement and glee!

Yesterday, the Lord gave me an incredible divine appointment, but let me give you some background on the development of this whole thing first. Since I moved into this particular apartment, my heart has been to begin building relationships with my neighbors. Last year, I realized that I had been isolated in my "church" cocoon and had not intentionally built relationships with anyone outside of the "believer capsule". What kind of Christian did the Lord want me to be? - I asked myself. Not the kind that sat, soaked and soured for sure!! So I began a prayer ministry. It wasn't very effective in my opinion, but then, I'm not sure I spent enough time preparing - being prepared myself spiritually that is. But nonetheless, there is a prayer box in our apartment office and I get prayer requests randomly from different residents and pray for them.

I also got more intentional about my actions. I made it a point to talk to neighbors, smile and greet people I met. My neighbors are friendly and sweet, and I have had some great opportunities to have conversations and encourage a couple of the women who live near me. It's been awesome! The whole point was to reach out and let the people of this apartment complex know that I cared and that Jesus cared. I wanted to be the kind of Christian that God lifts up in the bible - Paul, David, Abraham, Peter, etc. I wanted my light to so shine that the world would see my good works and praise my Father in heaven! Oh how I want people to see who Jesus really is! And if I can show them just a little of what I have been given...I just don't understand a person who would reject it! It is TOO sweet and wonderful!

So some intentionality and some prayer have begun to lay the building blocks of these relationships. Which has been awesome! Then yesterday, I made an unusual stop at my apartment complex office to do some paperwork, and a neighbor I have talked to a couple of times was there and needed a ride somewhere. I was glad to take her and we spent the majority of the evening talking about all kinds of things and talking about spiritual matters too. It was great to get to know her a bit!

But the best part of all, is that this timing in her life is one of great spiritual turmoil and the Lord gave me the grace to come in and be a help to her! I cannot express how much joy I feel when the Lord uses me in the lives of other people. The joy was all the more because it was one of the neighbors the Lord has put on my heart! Over this past year or so, God has changed my heart, given me purpose, and is now doing the next thing in His plan!

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HOW THAT WORKS!!! God said, "For I know the plans I have for you...plans not to harm you, but to prosper you, to give you a hope and a future!!" He also said, "Ask and I will give you the nations". Oh how small my faith that I asked only for my apartment complex! But how faithful He is to begin giving it!

So there is the latest chapter in my life! I am still struggling with the heart condition and the attitude. So please pray, if you would, for the Lord to reveal to me any sin in my life that needs to be dealt with, and pray for a repentant heart on my part, and that the Lord would be glorified in all that I think, say and do!!

Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you! Psalm 63:3

8:37 AM

Stealing My Joy

I have managed to put down my armor somehow, folks! And in the meantime, the enemy has come and stolen my joy. My attitude has been sour the last couple of days. It's all I can do to keep my tongue from lashing out with sarcasm, bitterness, and hateful words at the people around me...especially those closest to me! I absolutely hate it!

I haven't quite figured out how to get out of this little rut I'm in. I know that our thoughts control our feelings and behaviors, but where to start in that process is a bit overwhelming.

Do you ever feel that way? Like you know what the problem is, but you're not sure that you can and want to go through the hard work of fixing whatever it is? That is kind of how I feel right now. I think I know where the problem is and what I might do to fix it, but I seem apathetic and tired, and therefore, I don't really know that I want to invest in the solution. But then again, there goes that thought process....

I know I must seem like I'm rambling, and for that I'm sorry. I just feel so frustrated with the state I'm in right now.

Anyway, I just wanted to vent a bit. For those of you that read it, there is a part 2 on the prayer blog coming up. I've had a few issues writing it out. I've been studying the numerous passages on prayer and I want to share so much I've been learning with you...but there is something in the way. As soon as I solve the attitude/heart issue I've been having, I have a feeling that the words for the blog will be forthcoming!

So I hope each of you is having a wonderful and blessed week! The Lord has certainly shown me mercy this week!

Write again soon!!


5:48 PM

Against the Darkness

I thought I would share this little scribble with you. I think all of us struggle sometimes in our relationships with unbelievers. Sometimes it is really easy to relate and be friends. Other times, the relationship is trying and difficult. I wrote this about a particular person in my life that the Lord has put here to minister to and to learn from. I know my character is being shaped by the relationship. This writing is my heart's cry against what feels like a dark, unmovable wall. I thought I would share it in hopes that you would be comforted in knowing others have the same struggle you do. Otherwise, I guess this is just me putting my feelings down on paper!

His presence in our lives, unmovable.
His broken promises, hurtful.
His lack of faith, contradictory.
His life of chaos, destructive.
His dishonest speech, predictable.
His inner mind, unknowable.
His heart - seemingly unreachable.
My heart hurts.
My mind twists in knots.
My frustration exceeds known limits.
My compassion dwindles.
My patience thins.
My love waivers.
My wisdom fails.
Give me your view of him.
Give me your love for him.
Give me patience and faith for two.
Give me perseverance.
Give him your grace.
Give him open eyes.
Give him a new way.
Please bridge the gap between heaven and hell
and help me to fight against the darkness
you have allowed in our lives.
May You have glory in Your victory!!