Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

1:16 PM

Life Today

Well, it's November! Cooler weather is settling in and I'm about 15 weeks along in this pregnancy. I have another appointment with my midwife tomorrow. I like the fact that this pregnancy has been so uneventful. My worst symptom was being horribly tired the first trimester. Even that has lessened almost back to normal and I have a pretty easy pregnancy on my hands!

This little baby hasn't even arrived on the scene and we have so many changes happening in our family. Shea and I have been very concerned about how the finances are going to work with a baby being added. In our current budget, there is no way to pay for daycare and no way for either of us not to work. It spelled a pretty bleak outlook until we made some significant changes. The first of which was selling our second vehicle. Shea graciously rode the bus for a while until a friend of ours offered to lend us their second car that wasn't being used. During the bus era, Jonathan suffered the most I think. It sucked the life out of what little family time we had with two working parents. Now that we're back to a better schedule, that stress is lessening and we're seeing improvement.

However, as I find us struggling to create a family friendly routine to follow each day - complete with quality/quantity time, chore completion, homework and all the rest - I realize how difficult it is to develop these good habits in a short period of time. Consistency has not historically been "my thing", but it's slowly getting better. This attempt at a routine is really pushing me in respect to consistency though. We sat down about a week ago and completed a family chore chart! My husband has been amazing in getting his done, and quite frankly he has the tightest schedule! I feel guilty and ashamed when I see how few of my own chores are being done according to this new schedule. But we keep pushing. Today is a new day and prayerfully by bedtime, I'll see my list's end!

Being that it's November, and such a wonderful time to think on all the many things we have to be thankful for, I can't help but realize how "easy" life is right now. We have some minor challenges that are continuing to mold our character in the likeness of our Savior, but overall, it's "peacetime" to a certain degree. Which, quite honestly makes me a little nervous. Peacetime in the spiritual sense rarely lasts long and usually heads us right into the next big challenge of life. So, it's a daily choice to keep my eyes on the here and now. To enjoy the Lord's embrace and lack of deep cutting on my soul for the moment! When the tomorrow comes that He resumes more arduous work on my "much in need of sanctification" heart...we'll..."cross that bridge when we come to it".

For now, I'm just working to adjust to the little challenges, praying for Grace to keep praying and studying His word as I should, invest in my family in the most meaningful way, and keep my eyes open for those opportunities to serve those around me. What a blessed life it is today!