Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

2:22 PM

Telling Jonathan About the Baby

I had to make this a separate little note because Jonathan is just so precious. Shortly after Shea and I got married, Jonathan began asking for a little brother. Sometimes, he asked for two. As time went on, his pleas were even more desperate..."When can I have a little brother OR a sister?" Bless his heart, he just didn't want to be an only child anymore. He wanted a sibling! Our answer to him was always to pray. God is the giver of such blessings and we had limited (much more than originally thought) control over the when and how of our family being expanded.

So Jonathan did pray. He prayed all the time. For weeks and months, it seemed almost daily, he asked "Do we have a baby yet?" During an altar call at church, Jonathan went forward, but not to pray for salvation. He told Pastor Chris he wanted to pray for babies. Needless to say, I had some explaining to do on that one.

But Jonathan kept praying and kept asking. Years have gone by and we had continued to tell him to pray with our answer always being "not yet". So when my pregnancy test came back, unexpectedly, "pregnant", I had to smile at God's tender answer to a little boy's heart felt prayer over the past several years.

I waited until that Friday evening to share the news with my husband and then we sat Jonathan down to tell him the news. Reminding Jonathan of his many prayers, we told him "We're having a baby!" Jumping to his feet with a squeal he shouted, "FINALLY! It has taken FOREVER!" What an amazing thing to see. Even though Jonathan is not saved yet, I see how God is tenderly wooing his strong-willed, independent heart. It fuels my own heart to continue praying and more fervently pray, for his salvation. Wish I would have video-taped the breaking of the news to Jonathan, but hopefully this little online footprint will serve to remind us what a precious moment this was for prayer to be answered!