Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

5:05 PM

Counting My Blessings: Part 1

It can be so easy to focus on the things in this world that break my heart. So I've remembered a challenge issued to me a long time ago by a dear friend. She was challenged to write down 1001 things she was thankful for. She is still working on her list as far as I know, but has been thoroughly blessed by God's work through that list to cultivate a heart of gratitude.

So here I am taking the challenge myself to detail 1001 things for which I am thankful.

I am thankful for…

1. Jesus Christ my Savior…who has challenged me to have a heart of gratitude!
2. a son that is used of God in my life on a daily basis.
3. friends that love me unconditionally.
4. a home where I can feel welcomed and safe.
5. the Lord's provision of a job.
6. the ability to freely read and meditate on His word.
7. a group of people to fellowship with and grow in Him.
8. a church that cares about the people in our community.
9. a reliable car.
10. being able to read and write.
11. my friend and dear sister Tandi. She is such a beautiful person.
12. the willingness of my heart to keep on keeping on even when the rest of me wants to give up.
13. being used in the lives of people at work.
14. the way my husband to be passionately cares about Jonathan.
15. being able to watch and participate in the growing up of God's creation: Jonathan.
16. KCBI 90.9, an FM radio station that God uses in countless ways to grow my faith and teach me His ways.
17. living in a country that guarantees my freedom to worship the Lord Jesus Christ.
18. cupboards with food in them.
19. the wide variety of foods available for purchase at local markets.
20. being able to communicate with my family even when I am not able to see them.
21. the smell of rain.
22. a husband to be that works so hard and diligently to provide.
23. God's restoration of "all that the locusts have eaten".
24. neighbors to reach out to with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
25. prayer…my means of communing with God Almighty.
26. running water and electricity…luxuries to so many and yet may I not take them for granted.
27. books that help me to better understand parenting and relationships.
28. Bradley and Lainie and their investment in my future marriage.
29. Celina – a woman who reminds me to live with passion merely by her own example.
30. game time: Monopoly, Almighty Heroes, Twister, Connect 4…it is precious to spend that time laughing and enjoying my sweet family.
31. the ability to get good health and dental care for me and my family.
32. the ability to hear sweet music.
33. the ability to see all the wonders sight gives…nature, people, sunsets, the night sky, stars, the moon, spring flowers, and so much more.
34. the sound of my son's laughter, especially when I initiate it!
35. the examples of godliness shining through so many people that surround me.
36. the fact that my son's father is involved in his life.
37. the youth that give me hope for the next generation.
38. Walt, whose smile greets me weekly at the door of the church building and whose touch of hand or hug speaks the very godly love of Jesus Christ.
39. the ability to smile because God's joy resides deeper than any sorrow I may have.
40. the various toys that bless my son's playtime.