Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

12:42 PM

Degrees of Compromise and Degrees of Change

It amazes me to think that one degree can make all the difference when plotting a course as to whether or not you arrive at your planned destination. I read a Francine Rivers book yesterday called And the Shofar Blew. I am thankful to be reading more these days as my life slows down. And in the time I spent reflecting on the nuggets of truth God wove into this book, I marveled at how one of the characters arrived at the gates of hell, not for lack of good intentions, but for one degree of compromise after another.

It made me think of all of the degrees of compromise I have in my own life, and what it will take to turn back. The cure for degrees of compromise is degrees of change. Now, I hesitate to say it that way because of the natural implication of “slow” change. Scripture is very clear that sin should be dealt with radically, wholly and swiftly. The degrees of change come into play in the practical application of living out change. The sayings goes, “It is the little things that matter!” So each little degree that is charting us off course must be redirected to the straight and narrow path that leads to life!

So here I am thinking of the sins in my life and miserable over the persistence of these sins in the years that stretch back on my walk as a believer in Jesus Christ. I hate that these sins still chain me in bondage not meant for one freed by blood. So as I plan ahead for the day, the week, the month and the year, I see the absolute necessity for degrees of change. One small thing after one small step aimed to capture the purity of Holy living. Gluttony, Lust, Idolatry, Selfishness, and Pride to be slain like Goliath – with smoothed stones guided by the Lord. If He is my Rock, the Word made flesh, and the Cornerstone of my life, then memorizing and meditating on scripture is key to slinging the stones that slay the giants in my life. So while it is somewhat depressing to see the flaws – the cracks in my faith and my foundation, I have such a great hope in what the Lord has already done and in His promise to bring to completion the good work He began in me!!

What a Mighty God we serve!! And I love to know that I am His! I love to revel in the truth of His delight over me! I love how He works! He is amazing to me – amazing beyond articulation!!