Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

1:23 PM

A Day to Pray

Prayer. It seems impossible lately for me to find a passage in the bible that does not bring me back to prayer. Yet somehow, I've managed to avoid it for longer than I care to admit. I am not talking about the kind of prayer that seems more fitting for a genie than for the true God. Nor am I speaking of the kind of prayer that seems to come from places higher and mightier than I dare to climb. I am speaking about the kind of prayer that comes from a humble heart, sometimes in mere whispers, sometimes in anguished cries, but always in purity and confidence, reaching out to a God that cares.

I want a life of prayer. I see it in other Christians. I see leap out from the pages of the bible. Yet, in my life? I see busyness.

Yet again, my life has been filled with great things: spending time with my son, working, encouraging friends, reading books, writing, listening to music, loving those close to me...but the greatest thing of all, I seem to leave unattended. I have neglected to invest in my eternal relationship with Jesus through prayer.

So today I declare a day to pray. A day to stop the busyness and have some great conversation with my Love. To tell him my failings, my fears, my hopes, my dreams, and then see how he takes it all and shows me His hope, His dreams, and Himself!!