Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

6:08 AM

My Perfect Afternoon

Yesterday held one of the most perfect afternoons! After work, I drove over and picked up my son from school. As I approached, he excitedly lined up at just the right spot in the carpool lane, waving his hand showing me he had had a great day. That's the way to have a Monday right after Spring Break! In the car, he reminded me that I forgot to bring his afternoon snacks up to the office. After I apologized, he looks up and says, "It's okay mom. You can do it tomorrow!" Heading home, Jonathan begged for pizza. He hasn't had pizza in ages! So I agreed to a small cheese pizza. He insisted we walk to the "pizza store" which is around the corner from us. It was a glorious afternoon outside, and I agreed it was a great idea! On the way out of our front door, Jonathan informs me that he has his water gun, albeit empty, and that he will protect me from all the bad guys while we walk. I couldn't help the ear to ear smile that spread across my face. What a sweetheart!

As we walked, Jonathan was true to his word and "shot" down dozens and dozens of bad guys as we walked around the block. He made sure that I stayed just behind him so I would be safe. As we turned the corner and came from behind the wall that circles part of our apartment property, he shot some more bad guys and led the march across the parking lot to the little cafe where we would get our pizza. We talked and walked and he shot bad guys all the way to the door of the cafe. Inside, we sat at a cozy little table and waited the few minutes it would take to make the pizza. Then we headed home.

At home, Jonathan ate pizza while I checked email and school assignments. When he was done and had rested a bit, we headed outside again to practice some soccer drills. He did so well to remember the things he has been learning, despite the long break due to his lip injury and then spring break. For 30 minutes or so we romped around the back yard area behind our apartment and laughed and played. The last drill was a challenging one and with Jonathan already tired, he complained a bit at the prospect of having to do something so hard. But it was an opportunity for him to show some heart. He laughed at me when I told him to say with me..."I AM NOT A QUITTER!" Nice and loud. We both ended up laughing at he repeated the mantra, and he gave the drill a try until he was winded and spent. It was such a tender moment for me to see how Jonathan is maturing.

We went inside and Jonathan helped me clean a bit before we headed out to the store to get those snacks I had forgotten. By the time dinner and bath time were done, we sat together for our routine bedtime stories. Jonathan read his reading book and I read another chapter in Narnia. I don't think the story will ever make sense to him since he falls asleep long before I ever finish the chapter, but as I stepped out the room, turning off the light, I couldn't help but take a deep breath in and thank God for such a perfect afternoon!