Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

2:53 PM

I Stand in Awe

I had been in a high-stress mode for a little more than two weeks. Then, last Wednesday, I got a call from my son’s school. He had cut his lip with scissors and they were thus far unsuccessful at getting his lip to stop bleeding; I needed to pick him up right away and get medical attention. Through the entire ordeal, from the time I first laid eyes on his gruesome injury to the time we settled into bed later that night, suddenly the busyness had melted away. It was that day that peace seemed to re-enter my daily life. So very strange, but true. Yet realizing that it was this event that was responsible for slowing me down, I felt a little sad. How is it that it took something like that to make me stop in the craziness my life? Why am I so easily drawn into the outside edges of G0d-independent living? However, in that sadness, I am blessed because God goes to such great lengths to reach us and keep us near to Him and His heart. That is so amazing to me. He amazes me.

God has endless creativity in His vast array of ways to reach me, to touch me and to draw me close to Him. I could never do it justice in description, but how grateful I am for a Father as loving, as tender, as creative, as passionate, as awesome, as powerful, as wonderful as He!

In the past several days, life has been breathed back into my daily schedule. It never ceases to cause wonderment in the difference His presence makes in my day. The same crowded calendar doesn’t seem as busy or hectic. The same challenges and difficulties seem diminished into minor nuisances. Heartaches sting a little less. Disappointments are replaced with gratitude. Emptiness is filled to overflowing. Practically speaking, my housework is done, my homework completed, and suddenly there seems ample time to play Monopoly and Super Mario Bros Wii with my son. I even gave one of our dogs a bath. The scene of the last few days is a far cry from the exhaustion, monotony, and hardship of the days that preceded it even when the tasks and interactions were all the same.

Lord, I stand in awe of you. I’ll never understand why you picked me up out of the miry clay of oblivious slavery and gave me a place near your heart. I am only grateful that you did. I’ll never be able to repay you for the redemption you have given me. I can only give you the praises of my heart, mind and soul. You are truly an awesome and personal God, beyond my finite comprehension. May you accept this meager contribution to the wonder of your glory. I love you!