Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

6:58 AM

It's really about perspective, isn't it?

When it comes to the heart, I rarely know where to begin. Sometimes the words flow so easily and then there are times like this, when I have so much on my heart and mind that the initial stutter is rather intense.

I guess I could start with a little perspective on the outside least my outside world. I see a world that is fallen. Rather simplistic summary "fallen" is for a world riddled with heartache, loss, health challenges, sinners, grief and conflict of every imaginable type. But "fallen" it is. That status is why we see the bad around us. It's why we lock our doors, go through boxes and boxes of tissue, burn up the phone lines to friends or counselors, shut down communication with our spouses, family members and friends, struggle and fight with those closest to us, and experience the turmoils of the workplace.

But how depressing to see only that. Even though my heart is incredibly heavy today, it seems my Maker is reaching through the heartache, lifting my chin and saying...keep your eyes on me, my child! Then, through Him, I see the joy...the blessings...all the good in our world.

I see people praising Him in the midst of tragedies and tough life challenges. I see people seeking good when they want so desperately to give up. I see His hand reaching out to the lost, calling them to Himself. I see His arms cradling and carrying His children - tightly protecting them. I see ships sailing through raging storms. I see the Potter working his creation, molding away...breaking down rough spots and rejoicing over pliable clay. I see life sprouting up where the desert once laid. I see fruit where there used to be only barren limbs. I see generosity and gratitude. I see kindness and good will. I see peace where war once raged.

I guess in the's really about perspective, isn't it?

Oh Father, give me your eyes to see. I keep seeing and hearing all the negative...all the bad...contentment, gratitude and optimism...I need my heart to go back to those things. I can't stay with this envy, lack of thanksgiving and pessimism. I don't want to be a complainer or discourager. I want to have your perspective, but I can't seem to make that happen. Please help me. Give me your eyes and let me see this world and all the people in it from your perspective instead of my own. Thank you for your faithfulness Lord...your infinite mercy on me and your empowering grace. I love you.


Anonymous said...

6 There are many who say, "Who will show us some good? Lift up the light of your face upon us, O LORD!"
7 You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound.
8 In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.
(Psa 4:6-8 ESV)

I suppose it may be inevitable that as we grow in the Lord, and he molds us to be more like Him, that we anguish when we look out and see the condition that the world is in. It is a good sign, I believe, that we grow more sensitive to sin, both in our own lives and as we look around us.

We know, that one of the gifts of the Spirit is joy. We as believers have that. It may be one of those things that non-believers could never understand but despite the problems and sin of the world, we have joy!

I happened to be doing a little word study on joy, kind of "off and on", and the Lord has shown me that in the midst of depressing times, that I have joy. I have that assurance in Him.