Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

10:33 AM

Giving Up...or Not

This morning proved to be very discouraging. Awoke with some nervousness about the weigh-in because I had not been to the gym my usual 4 times this week. This is week four of my challenge. In that time, I have only lost 5 pounds so far. I wanted to lose 3 this week; however, I doubted I would drop that many pounds because I had not worked out as hard as I have been. I still do not think I was prepared to see the number the scale though....


How in the world? That leaves me a month in and 6 weeks to lose 18 pounds (to successfully complete my 20lbs/$20 challenge). I feel so very discouraged. I hate that I have somehow allowed myself to get as overweight as I am. I have 103 pounds to lose to reach my ultimate target, but man...I can't even get the first 20 lbs off me!

Now, I'm trying not to stay in this discouragement. I heard a sermon this morning that reminded me that as a believer, it would be foolish to stay down. Defeat is not part of my born-again character. But how do I apply that? How do I get up once again, dust myself off and face this challenge head on? I don't know.

I do know that I have decided to put the scale away. I seriously hate that it has become a focal point for me in this journey. The focal point should be the Lord. So I'm refusing to weigh myself until December 4th. And if by the Lord's grace my choices of food and exercise result in success, great! If not, I have to keep coming back to the drawing board to figure out why.

So there you have it. Not much in the positive, uplifting category today, but I guess in the end, I'm really not giving up. Just whining a bit before I stand up, dust myself off, and try again.