Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

8:24 AM


As I'm sitting here, I'm listening to people pray for our nation. They pour out their hearts lifting up requests for marital reconciliation, national repentance, personal responsibility, resurrection of morality, wisdom and holy leadership in schools and government, and the glory and praise of our Heavenly Father...but what I hear in every prayer is the plea for revival in America. That touches my heart in ways that are nearly inexplicable. How desperate I am to see revival in my life and the lives of believers all over. I so desire to see Christians transformed into the authentic warriors that God wants to use in this spiritual battle. Apathy and disobedience are the general marks of today's Christians...and I have been no exception. But as the Lord stirs our hearts for Him, I see something new. Spring is now the season of so many souls!

Pastors are rising to the occasion of preaching Truth instead of comfort! Congregations are getting bold for ministry locally and abroad! People are getting spiritually healthy through the application of basic disciplines of the Christian faith! I see brothers and sisters hungering and devouring the Word like no other time! We are so coming upon revival! It so encourages my heart to see this! I have not enough words of praise for my Father to see His glorious work in us!

But I still see the darker side and the discouragement of Americans everywhere. I still see apathy, hardened hearts, biblical illiteracy, and rejection of the gospel. So to every believer out there, get a clue! We are here to fight a war! We are here as soldiers to the Kingdom of heaven and you are fighting for one of two sides. You can fight the good fight to speak truth and spread the good news of Jesus Christ, or you can let apathy work for evil and further corruption.

Each of us makes a choice every day that we are blessed to live. The choice is deciding whom we will serve. I fear that many of us lack the open eyes to see the eternal repercussions of choosing to serve ourselves. When I get so focused on my day, my work, my duties, my friends, my family, my activities, I have no time for God's purpose, God's plan, God's desires, and God's activities.

So today, Lord grant me the grace to make the better choice of serving You instead of myself. Help me to see every activity, every move I make today as an act of worship! Help me to have open eyes to Your work in the people around me and may I have the wisdom to know how you would use me in your plan! I love you, Lord and I thank you for calling me your own!