Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

7:01 AM

Paradigm Shift! - Amazing

So I've mentioned that I have been completely floored by a class I took at church introducing biblical counseling. I took it because I have a burning passion in my heart to be used by God to help others through biblical counseling.

Well first off, the Lord corrected a misconception I had of Christian counseling versus biblical counseling. I had no idea how much man-centered psychology that I had been using, filtering those man-made ideas through the bible and trying to come up with something useful to help people. In the end, I have to admit, I felt pretty ineffective. I learned that biblical counseling puts aside those man-centered ideas and searches the scriptures to understand the person and the problem.

Then, the next step I took in my new understanding was seeing the problem accurately. I would say that my primary lens of seeing crisis in my life and others' lives was through the lens of what psychology calls "Father Wounds". I saw just about every problem a person has as something related to their upbringing. But as my view shifted, I began to understand that seeing things this way doesn't allow much freedom and it certainly doesn't line up with what I've begun to see accurately in the Word of God. My view left no room for the law of sin at work within us.

I used to see sin as merely an act...a behavior. But the struggle...the internal struggle we really identify with in Paul who says, "I do the things I don't want to do, and I don't do the things I want to do." about the law of sin. The desires of the flesh work in opposition to the desires of the spirit. That conflict is a civil war inside of every believer. Even though I knew that, I admit I rarely thought of that when dealing with a problem in my life or another believer's life.

I didn't see that the Sovereign and Perfect Father in heaven orchestrates every detail of life with a single purpose in mind: His Glory. A vehicle of that glory is our sanctification and transformation into the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ. So everything from the traffic jam I'm stuck in, to the conflict in my marriage, to the problem in my parent/child relationship is useful to reveal the sin in my heart. Sinful desires that need to be crucified with Christ so I can bring glory and honor to the Lord!

I love being a slave to Jesus! And now I am on a whole new level of walking with Him because I am seeing things with brand new eyes! I knew before this life wasn't about me, but WOW, do I feel like this new conviction of being created by the Lord, FOR the Lord's purpose has taken on a new and fiery passion!!

Lord, please direct my steps by your Word and let no iniquity have dominion over me. Show me the wickedness in my heart and give me the grace to walk by faith in righteousness! I want to serve you and bring glory to your name! In my own strength and my own will, I am fallen and cannot do anything worthwhile, but in You, I can do all things!! Thank you for reviving my heart and for the passion and hunger you've given me for you word! I am so grateful for what you are doing in my life! Praise your name!! You are good, so good, Lord! I love you!