Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

3:34 PM

Life - My Eternal Investment Portfolio

I guess it is just one of those times where I want to sit down and be reflective. Life, overall, is pretty good. I honestly can't complain. I am so blessed to have a wonderful husband, who does so much to serve us and bless us, a man who has such a caring heart! I have a son who is amazing and keeps me on my toes! I am blessed that, despite much of the economic turmoil, my job is not yet in jeopardy. I have an amazing home business that is growing. I have a beautiful body of believers with whom I worship every Sunday and most every Wednesday. And the Lord has given me dear friends with whom I can do life!

Does this mean that life is all roses? By no means! But again...I have little to nothing to complain about!

So as I've been thinking about life and thinking about what my life would mean if it were over today...I still find that despite many of my activities and investments, I am disappointed at the measurement I see eternally.

So I count the blessings in my life and turn my thinking toward how it is that I could expand my "eternal investment portfolio". :) Go figure, but this thought process actually began when I purchased a documentary that, unknowingly to me, was about a Mormon missionary to Tonga. (I thought it was a Christian missionary.) So after seeing the way this missionary was so dedicated to the mission of spreading Mormonism (NOTE: I believe the Mormon religion to be a cult and not a true gospel of Jesus Christ.), I began to evaluate my own vigor at sharing the Truth with MY mission field. I don't need to go to Tonga or across the world to share Jesus. I asked myself if I was dedicated to sharing Him here. I was disappointed at the recollection of how many times I had shared my testimony or shared the gospel with the many people I come into contact with. So as I thought about those in my immediate area, I knew one of the things that would expand that territory would be learning Spanish. If I was to, just as the Mormons do, go door to door and share my faith, I knew that there would be many on the other side of that door that wouldn't know how to speak English very well. And if I wanted to reach them with the gospel, I would need to be able to speak at least some Spanish.

I have been excited about my nightly Spanish grammar lessons. I have online resources that help me to know whether or not my pronunciation is accurate (at least for the most part). And I have numerous library resources. I'm also very excited about picking up my bilingual bible this weekend!! It is so encouraging to have a passion kindled in my heart. I haven't been one to consider myself much of an evangelist...but I am an encourager. However, I do not believe any Christian to be exempt from sharing the gospel and making disciples of those the Lord saves! The Lord has given me a heart for my community, so while I'm learning Spanish and getting acquainted with the bilingual bible text, I will be following in Nehemiah's footsteps and engaging in prayer. Prayer as to how the Lord would have the walls of my apartment complex rebuilt...the walls of my city rebuilt...the walls of the county rebuilt...the state...and this great country.

I am amazed at how the Lord uses just one person to touch the world in so many biblical examples...I want my eternal investment portfolio to be something that leaves a legacy for my Savior. I want something to bring to His feet when I finally spend eternity with Him. I want to know that I didn't stop at minimum wages or minimal efforts. I want to know that my life truly and deeply reflected a heart for Him, a dedication to Him, and a legacy of Him!

I guess that would be my random thought process for the little jaunt through the pages of the current chapter of my life...

God bless you!