Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

10:57 AM

Husband Encouragement Challenge - Day 1

The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life. – Proverbs 31:11-12

Let us depart from the traditional application of this verse to the earthly married couple and remember a couple of other applications as well. First, the single woman with a heart that perhaps one day she will be married carries the responsibility to remember in her words, thoughts and deeds of today, the husband that the Lord may provide tomorrow. Does her life today reflect and honor to do good and not evil for the husband who may be in her future? Is she keeping herself spiritually and physically pure? Does she cave into cultural pressures to man-bash or discount the authority and responsibilities of the men around her? Is she building a character of trust-worthiness that will carry over into her marriage? Those are all things that a single woman who takes the commands of God seriously can take away with her from this verse of scripture.

Second, any daughter of the Lord is a bride of Christ Himself. Does she remember that her Heavenly Husband deserves the offerings of trustworthiness and devotion as well and more so than any earthly husband? My prayer is that is that this is a realization for each one of us.

So ladies, as we are encouraging our husbands, let us remember that this challenge is about allowing the Lord Jesus to work in OUR hearts – to change US! Even the most lost of husbands are not beyond the reach of the Lord, and what a precious instrument He would have in His hand when He possesses a godly wife, wholly submitted to Him, loving Him and obeying His commands – allowing her character to be refined and her heart molded to the likeness of her Savior! May His hand be on all of us!!