Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

12:20 AM

People Over Stuff

Philippians 2:4 "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourself, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others."

So it's 4am and I can't sleep. I woke up with a stiff neck and for some odd reason began to think and pray about some things God has recently put on my heart. I am a stiff-necked person! And it's not just a literal thing, it's also a spiritual thing. God called his children 'stiff-necked' on more than a few occasions because they kept falling into disobedience. As His child, oh how I am prone to disobedience!

Recently, it's been about people. I have been taking stock in all of my relationships. My husband and son mean the world to me. Yet, ashamedly, I find myself putting more energy into stuff than these people whom I say I love. I worry over the endless household chores to be done. I complain about my endless "to do" list. After my "to do list", I focus on entertaining myself with online games, books, movies and whatever seems to be my mode of "relaxation" for that day. I consider myself, my needs, my wants, get the picture. Unadulterated selfishness!

So...what is there to do about selfishness? Two words - Kill it. Crucifying the flesh is a common new-testament encouragement by the apostle Paul. When dealing with sin, there is no other answer than to crucify it - put it on the cross with Jesus Christ and die to self. Oh...easy in concept...not so easy in real life.

In the last week, God has reminded me that my ministry is my husband, to whom I am to give respect and attention. Words that come so easily to my tongue must be tamed to only build him up and not tear him down - do I think before I speak? Saying "I love you" should not be just words though. My attitude should not convey annoyance or irritation, but joy and gratitude for all he brings to my life - prompting me to serve him with a happy heart instead of complaining. My ministry is my son. This precious child needs me to stop what I'm doing, leave the chores for another time, and NOT do the things I'd like to do, in order that I may show him what God is really like - available, unconditional in love and absolutely crazy about him. The TV, games, and other activities should be ways to bring us together - not serve as ways to "babysit" him while I "get things done". Another part of my ministry is the neighborhood children God has placed in our lives. Desperate for love and attention and truth, ministry means inviting them in when it's less than convenient for me. It means showing kindness and hospitality even if that equals ratcheting up the level of chaos that already exists in our house that day. It means cooking some extra food and not caring whether or not the house is in order when they stop by or when they leave. It also means skipping out on the pedicure I've been "dying to get for months and months" so that I don't miss out on the opportunity to feed and witness to the homeless man on the I desperately wish I had crucified my flesh on that note.

Jesus poured out his life for people, not stuff. He poured his energy into serving His father regardless of the cost. How heart-wrenching to see my life has been poured out more-so for stuff than for people. Missed opportunities will be cause for tears at the end of this life. Yet, while I have breath, there is time for now. There is time for learning and crucifying this wicked flesh. Today, I have life to spend here on this earth. Today, I can choose people over stuff and pour out what Jesus has given to me...His life.

Even at 4am, I am praying that today I will do just that. When my husband awakes, may my tongue greet him with joy. When my son awakes, may my actions speak God's love for Him. When I spend my moments today, may they be in service for each and every person who crosses my path. May each person see a glimpse of Jesus Christ today when they encounter me. May I set aside my schedule, my agenda, my "to do" list, so that intentionality for His work and His people becomes my focus.

Lord, please grant me your grace and crucify my flesh. May the pain and inconvenience of it all be pleasing to your heart and a blessing to your wonderfully and fearfully made people whom I am privileged to meet today.