Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

8:53 AM


Wow, it's been a while since I've written. Not because I had nothing to write about, I suppose, but because I haven't stopped much lately to take it all in. I seem to have some time on my hands to do just that take it all in. To slow down and run my mental hands over the pages of life that have passed recently.

I found myself saying something a long time ago that became a profound statement..."Do not be so busy that you fail to accomplish something that matters." When the words dropped from my lips, it was as though the Lord picked them up as a dagger to my heart. How busy is too busy? I believe the line is crossed when we spend time being busy instead of accomplishing the things that really matter.

Lately, I have begun to see how much time I really waste. It's been hard to review because of the conviction that I have been too busy to accomplish a LOT of things that really matter. Yesterday, I decided against Facebook so I could spend some time playing trains with my son and cooking a meal for him and my brother. I've noticed, now that I'm paying attention, the laundry is done, the house is cleaner than usual, and I have time to spend with my family and talking to friends that I didn't seem to have before - even though my schedule is the same.

But again, it comes back to, "Do not be so busy that you fail to accomplish something that matters." I have eternal life...that is a thing I can't even begin to understand or wrap my mind around when I think about the brevity of this life. And yet, what I do in the vapor of this life, determines so much about my eternity. So while doing the dishes, the cleaning and the laundry is important, I don't want to miss the family relationships in order to accomplish those things. I can relax with a book or a movie or some time on Facebook, but have I forsaken hours of my precious time that could have been spent serving my family with a meal or clean clothes? There is a balance to be had.

For someone that has lived a life in one extreme or another, balance has not come easily to me. But I find that when I slow down a little, perspective stills my busy mind and things that matter come into sharper focus. So the past couple of days I've been slowing down and the small beauties of life are vibrant and thriving! I am grateful to my Jesus for the many, incalculable blessings I have. I have to say that it is also so much easier to determine what is important and what is pointless and wasteful.

May each of you make time to slow down, to appreciate the really important things and realize that life is too short....Do not be so busy that you fail to accomplish something that matters!