Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

8:56 PM

An Amazing Weekend

As some of you may know, my husband is a professional wrestler. It's not his main job and he isn't contracted with WWE, but he still does it and has for over 10 years. Recently, a great guy Shea has had the privilege of working with in the past - a great friend and brother in Christ - asked Shea to participate in some shows he had lined up with a new organization. This new organization is Christian Pro-Wrestling! It is an awesome organization and something akin to Shea's wildest wrestling dreams come true! So we agreed to go on this trip (two weeks after getting married LOL) and it was an incredible trip!

We drove from DFW to the Lufkin area Friday afternoon. The first show was Friday night at a little church in Zavalla! It was amazing to see the hearts of the pastor and his wife! Shea hadn't been in the ring for a while, so I was pretty nervous for him. I had hoped he would have more time in the gym before he went, but that was not the case. So I prayed hard he would not get injured. The matches were great!! The guys did a phenomenal job and the crowd was amazing! But it wasn't just about wrestling! After Shea's match, he was able to share his testimony and be transparent with people a bit. Then after the main event, our friend Mark Von Eric gave his testimony, shared the gospel and invited them to receive Christ.
Just watching the children alone was enough to move you to tears! Watching people waiver and wonder if they really should go forward...then, the decision made, they move. I believe it was somewhere around 30 decisions and many more rededications were made that night. I was able to connect - even if it was briefly - with some amazing people who loved the Lord! Then came Saturday's show which was even bigger!

We moved back up to Lufkin for Saturday. It started off with some fellowship with Brother's Keeper Church - WAY AWESOME PEOPLE!! Then on to the high school to set up and get ready! They were expecting roughly 1000 people. I do not know how many came, but by my calculations there were probably four or five hundred at least, I would think. (Just please don't hold me to the numbers). The crowd was excited and buzzing! The talent for Saturday night surpassed the great talent they already had from Friday night by adding some more great guys!! And the testimonies were incredible! I was especially proud of my husband and what he said to the men that night! From start to finish it was awesome! But let me tell you about the finish.

There is nothing that blesses me more than being used of God!! I love to leave a bit of Jesus with as many people as I can throughout my day. And Saturday was awesome for that! I was able to encourage believers. I was able to witness to the lost. I may not have been wrestling in the ring, but even behind the scenes God was moving! He was moving everywhere!!! For me, the icing on the cake was sharing with a 7 year old boy who accepted the invitation to receive Christ and walking him through that prayer of salvation! NOTHING - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING more precious to me than to see a person raised from death unto eternal life!! At 7 years old, I am praing for radical change in him and his family!!

I do not know how many decisions were made Saturday night, but I think there was a bigger crowd that came forward than the crowd from Friday...each child, woman or man a new creation in Jesus Christ! A new brother or sister just beginning their journey with our Precious Lord! Another soul won from the pit of hell! One more sinner turned saint to rejoice with in heaven when we get there!! WOW!!!!!


I am so excited to see what else God has for Shea and I as we keep moving on this journey! I hope that this encourages you to look around and see who it is YOU can share Jesus with today! Is there a believer you can encourage? Is there a lost person you can reach out to? How can you be salt and light to the dying world around you?

I love what it say in Philippians 1:20-21 "I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exhalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."

Be blessed, be of good courage and be on fire for Christ!!