Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

7:04 AM

Happy New Year

The new year brings with it a sense of renewal and starting fresh. It gives people a chance to implement changes and bring about something "better". Making new year's resolutions isn't exactly my thing, but I do like to set goals for each year, so I guess it's essentially the same thing! So here goals for this coming year (in no particular order):

* Successfully complete the "pre-baby" financial plan that leaves us with only a little to pay on our car and the student loans (all other debts PAID IN FULL).

* Finish 3 complete bible study series

* Read at least one book per month

* Stay on the advanced diet throughout the year (to keep myself from gaining too much weight during pregnancy and aiding in weight loss after the baby is born)

* Implement healthy habits: daily bible study, regular exercise, overall healthy diet, chore completion, and regular relaxation

* (this is probably my most important goal) Live joyfully! I want to enjoy the Lord, enjoy my family and friends and deeply love the life God has given me. Grace is the key to this year - I'm taking an active role in learning to embrace grace and live joyfully!

There you have it! Goals set, new year off to a great start, and as always, so much to look forward to because the Lord is so gracious! Even if today was my last day on earth...heaven looks better every single day!! Can hardly wait to spend eternity with my Savior!