Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

12:25 PM

All Kinds of Things

I'm rather conflicted about what to write in this blog. So many topics are swirling in my mind that I'm not sure if I can write them in one blog or if I should write several.

First, I think I'll write the numerous praises I have for my Lord! The past week or so have been filled with many ways in which I have been blessed to encourage others. I love our monthly women's group meeting and leading the devotion last Thursday was an encouragement to me! Hearing the stories and comments each woman shared blessed my heart. One story about praising the Lord especially touched my heart! A woman shared about her father's encouragement for praising the Lord in tough times...when all seems lost and "it can't get any worse", we still have a choice. Will we praise God or will we get down and earthly focused? In some trying situations, I decided to apply that principle of praise in my own life. Regardless of how I felt about the circumstances around me, I chose those moments to say, "God you are still on your are still good...and I still love you and trust you with all that I am and all that is going on around me." It was liberating, humbling, and peaceful to make that choice!

Another praise is that Shea and I have been concerned about how we are going to pay for Jonathan being out of school. Daycare is not cheap by any stretch and we honestly have no room in our budget to make those payments. Well, the Lord has provided! My brother will be moving to Texas and will be helping us for the summer. The exchange of help is a blessing to everyone involved. I can hardly believe we got airfare for $100 and how the timing is working perfectly! But again, the Lord is at work and while I thought up a dozen other scenarios to solve the problem...God worked it out in a way I hadn't even thought of and wouldn't have thought of either! So I'm blessed to be reminded, yet again, of His abundant provision!

One of the other things I'm working through right now is the matter of sin. I have been exhorted recently to return to a more disciplined manner of dealing with sin on a daily basis. Daily confession helps us keep our relationships with Christ in tip-top shape...without sin standing between us, we experience the deepest intimacy. It seems I never run dry of sin to confess, which can be at times, discouraging! But in times of spritual dryness (which seems to be where I am right now), grace waters my soul in ways I can't even describe when I confess and repent of sin. I am a bit frustrated at my own laziness right now though. My "daily" discipline is not a "daily" occurance yet. So prayerfully, as I continue to confess, the restoration I love will continue to move me toward an inability to make for a "long account" with the Lord...I'd much rather keep a "short account"! :)

Well...there are other things, but I need to cut this off for now! I'll write more later!