Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

4:53 PM

Everything I'll Ever Need

I have not always been one to praise in the good times. I would certainly love to be that person who is so grateful in the midst of those times when everything is going right. But alas, I have a sin nature like the rest of us and I tend to be a bit more self-centered during the good times. So truthfully, I am grateful that the Lord allows "bad" things to happen so that I am more conscientious of my utter dependency on Him. In the weeks since my husband lost his job, I have found myself much more grateful than when everything was going according to MY plan. I have been grateful for our apartment - it is home after all. I have been grateful each week when we pay our bills that somehow the money pays them all and thus far, not one has been paid late. I have been grateful for my family and the food we eat. I'm grateful that the Lord shows me each and every day how well HE takes care of us.

God has really shown His tenderness and mercy toward us. He's provided for our bills (not all of which I consider needs...there is still considerable debt to paid). He's made it so we can continue our healthcare. He's blessed our efforts to minimize, conserve, and sell. He's even thrown in a gift from a person who bought our freezer. He has made it impossible for me not to see how worthy He is of my trust and adoration. He's taking care of us each and every day! We have nothing to worry about.

It wasn't very many years ago when God lovingly taught me about who He was as my Father. Not ever having had an example of an earthly father who took exceptional care of me, it was more than difficult to believe an intangible God could be one. But day after day, He would speak to my heart and show me how He was my Father. He would hold me when I cried my heart out over not having a husband. He would soothe my loneliness. He would send people who fixed my car, brought me groceries, and babysat my son. He provided a generous and flexible employer who was more than understanding about the demands of single parenting and sick kids. He made sure we could see doctors when we needed to. He made sure that friends were there to laugh with me, cry with me, get angry with me and even the best of friends who were sent to tell me the truth that sometimes I didn't want to hear. It wasn't a period of time that held nothing but perfection, but God did perfectly orchestrate life to win my heart. After about a year and a half of His patient and loving pursuit, I came to see Him as my wonderful, perfect, and everlasting Father. I knew I could trust Him and that He would always take care of me.

So now, in the midst of times when I don't know what tomorrow will hold, I know that it doesn't really matter what tomorrow brings. I have Him. Therefore, I have everything I'll ever need.