Beautiful Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli

10:49 AM

2009 Priorities and Goals

Jesus Christ
* Develop a vibrant prayer life
* Consistently journal

* Focus on practical scripture application
* Grow my Mary Kay business

* Learn to speak Spanish fluently
* Be purposeful in sharing my faith and the gospel

* Change my relationship with food
* Exercise regularly

These are my 2009 Priorities and Goals. It's something I started a couple of years ago in light of everyone asking "What are your New Years' resolutions?" I do not know that I have resolved anything, but in the spirit of pressing on toward the goal Christ Jesus had laid before me, these are the things I have deemed as my priorities for the coming year! :)

As we near the celebration of the birth of Christ, I pray you'll not only celebrate what it means that a savior was born, but also take to your heart what receiving His gift means in terms of the way you live. Christmas can be easily passed over in the hustle and bustle of gifts, family, food, shopping and traveling, but with purposeful action, Christmas can live all year long in your life!